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POTIPHAR surname history

We have been researching the family name of POTIPHAR and its variants and have traced back to an Aaron POTIPHAR who was married on 12 July 1759 at St Catherine Coleman Church in London to an Elizabeth CLEEVE.

Aaron POTIPHAR and his wife moved to Barking in Essex where he raised his family of six children and he was a publican. His son William married a Sarah CATLING at the Spitalfields Christ Church in Stepney on 12 October 1788 and they moved to Romford in Essex where they had 11 children. Three more generations were born in Romford although one branch moved to Brighton and other children moved and married in Harlow, Warley, Ingrave, South Weald and Grays all in Essex and York in Yorkshire and Stepney, Islington, Hackney and various other parts of London.

William's brother Thomas married a Mary WALLIS at St Pauls church in Deptford and raised five children some of whom were baptised in Hornchurch in Essex and all of which were married or died in various parts of London.

We have also managed to trace 14 other living relatives some of whom are researching the same name and its variants and all but one are descendants of Aaron.

We have been collecting all records relating to the POTIPHAR surname and its variants and have many who so far do not fit into the 'Tree' we have constructed.

If you have come across any other people of the surnames POTIPHAR, POTIPHER, POTIFER, PUDIFER, PUTIFER or other variant spellings could you please let us have details of  where and when by e-mailing us at pierspot@piers-potiphar.co.uk

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